The Hongisto business was started in 1941

  The Hongisto business was started in 1941 by Elmer Hongisto and carried the Internationl truck and Farmall farm equipment and the Hudson cars. The original building is now the Hong Kong Restaurant at 616 Sunnyside Drive in Cloquet. In 1958 needing more room we moved north of town to 268 Hwy 33 north a 20 acre spot with 660 ft of frontage.


High Res 1124x902
Medium Res  800x642
Low Res 640x514

High Res  1124x907
Medium Res 800x646
Low Res 640x517


High Res 1124x898
Medium Res 800x639
Low Res 640x511

County Fair Display  High Res 1124x900
Medium Res 800x641
Low Res 640x513